C++ for DroidOS

C++ is the language that has been recommended for me to learn to create the Star Sailors game (as well as PHP) and some other cool parts of DroidOS

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C++ is the programming language we will be learning to create some more DroidOS applications, such as the ACORD Droid Control App.

About C++

Codecademy call it one of the most powerful programming languages today, programiz says it is the fourth most popular programming language out there. Whatever the case, C++, which is based on the C programming language, is a code language that can be used to create games, webapps, and scripts.

The ACORD Droid Control App

Bundled into DroidOS, the ACORD App will be set out like this:

  • Step 1 - Open the app
  • Step 2 - Find navigation

There will be a few hexagons that link to different parts of the app - let’s look at them

  • Star Sailors
  • ACORD Portal (web links) > ACORD website, Github Repo, Reddit, R2-D2 Builders, Zooniverse
  • Companion Robots/Droids > Games, Settings/Set-up, Help, Activity - see below, Talk, Send to phone (see below), Archives

The CR/D section will be where users can control their droids, including setting them up, playing games with them, and taking them on ‘adventures.’ One of our ideas is that when the users says so (or when a certain condition is met, such as a certain distance away), the physical droid will go into standby mode and transfer its ‘stuff’ to the application. The user will be able to access all the features of the physical droid on their phone/laptop/smart device (ooh, a smartwatch would be cool). There will be a cool animation like the Apple Airpower animation and users will have a droid on their screen, which they can scroll around to access different parts of the control section.

There are certain activities that can be done with the droid, for example:

  • Talk
  • Play games
  • Take photos (filters)
  • Write/Draw/Read/Watch - the droid can react to certain stimuli, for example movie scenes
  • Build
  • Play games - for example, Star Sailors can be played with the user and the droid, and other (single player) games can be played along with the droid.

All the games will be downloaded onto the device, but the data is backed up daily/weekly (depending on user preferences)and Star Sailors is somewhat hosted on the ACORD site.

The games and the app (which will be called ACORD/DroidOS) will be partly created with C++, and will hopefully be ready by 2022 (yes, it’s a long way away, but I set long-term goals).

With special thanks to

  • Mr Musovic, my computer science teacher
  • Github
  • The creators of all those tutorials
  • Sololearn especially
  • The creator of the Hydejack Jekyll Theme


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