The Star Sailors Plot (Part 1)

The current stage of Star Sailors development is the novella. There are 2 version: the ACORD version and the public version. I’m going to talk about the plot of the public version today. I’m also going to talk about what gave me the idea to write about Star Sailors. I hope you enjoy!

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Prologue - Chapter 2

Humankind has fled Earth. Now it’s on its way home, led by Opus S’iridium, the fleet commander. It’s been a long time coming, but better late than never.

Opus begins to think what he’ll do when he sets foot on Earth again. But he never gets the chance, because soon after entering the Sol System, he is attacked by an unidentified ship and whisked away in a flash of blinding light, along with the rest of the system.

Gilbert McInstay, a friend of Opus’s, is named temporary 2IC (2nd in command)and discovers a message from an extraterrestrial being.

While the recovery of the fleet is being attempted in what was once the Sol System, aliens on the planet Midgardia are debating the event in the Galactic Parliament - the Midgard Legacy. After the senators elect to do something about the situation, the leader of the fleet sends a message to McInstay, which is where Chapter 1 ends.

While the chapter structure of Star Sailors starts at the beginning and ends at the end, some of the book is written in reverse chronological order (for example, chapter 2 and chapter 1).

Why did I start writing Star Sailors?

Walk along Fremantle

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Fremantle. The port of Western Australia. And until recently, a place I visited at least once a month (on the weekends) with my family. Whether it was for Pancakes at the Chalky’s cafe in the morning, or a set of Spanish Donuts at San Churros, Fremantle was a time to walk and talk with the family (and recently, the dog, Elsie, who we insist on bringing with us for walks).

It was way, way back in 2017. I was in year 9 at the time, and I was part of the junior writing club. I was walking along Fremantle with my dad, and we were talking about what sorts of sport could be played in space. We came up with something called Space Ball, which I’ll talk about in a future post. That gave me the idea to write another science fiction story set in space.

Another Sci-Fi Story?

Yes, over the years I’ve started - but never finished - many sci-fi stories. They’ve been about colonizing planets and protecting the Earth from an alien invasion. If you’d like to check them out, check out my writing repo..

In Orlando, Florida (2019)

On the 23rd of December, 2018 (funnily enough, it was the 3rd ACORD Birthday) I touched down in New York at the JFK International airport. On the 2nd of January (2019), I touched down in Orlando. We spent 3 days at Universal Studios and my mum and I went to Disneyworld.

When my dad and I were having dinner at the hotel one night, I raised the topic of the book again, since he’d given me a few ideas originally. We came up with a cross-between of soccer and handball with jetpacks. This is all subject to change, so keep an eye out for the post about space ball which is coming out soon.


Today I’m attempting to write one chapter a week. I’ve finished chapters 1 & 2 as well as the prologue. The entire novella outline is complete as well.

What next?

Will I create a sequel to Star Sailors: Earthlings? Yes!

In fact, I’m actually planning several. Here are a few:

  1. Star Sailors (Earthlings) - 2019
  2. Star Sailors (The Round Ball) - 2019 or 2020 (see below)
  3. Star Sailors (The final conflict) - 2020 or 2021 (see below)

We’re also going to have a few spin-off novels.

  1. Star Sailors (Rules of the Game) - 2019 or 2020 (see below)
  2. Star Sailors (Galactic Map) - 2022 (see below)
  3. Star Sailors (The RPG) - 2025+ (see below)
  4. More coming?

The Round Ball

This episode of Star Sailors will be about a death at the Space Ball (the name of this game will change) and the race to find the culprit.

The final conflict

Note: The name of this episode will change

Opus leads the Midgard Legacy in the final battle against the Darkness.

Rules of the Game

The encyclopedia and history of Space Ball

Galactic Map

The map of every planet, moon, star system and colony in the galaxy, as well as short bios.


A guide to playing the RPG. Released every year

Thanks for reading, have a good day!

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