Devlog for Samuel

What we’ve got so far -

Making the game:

We’ve been using external assets (images, music, textures, etc) for the game because at the moment the assets we’re making/using aren’t quite finished with (hopefully we’ll have some cool sci-fi assets for the next update).

We’re making the game in Unity (we ride through the night), and we’ve got the following things set up:

  • Inventory system (item storage, bags, etc)
  • Mana/Energy (like in Magic The Gathering)
  • Health & Enemies
  • Attacks We’ve set up a “spellbook” which will behave more like a tech tree in the actual game, where the player is able to learn new skills, attacks and other traits -

The character itself, its images (sprites) and the actual background are all just placeholders and these images WILL NOT be what the game looks like. We’re just reusing old sprites/images for now.

The code

We’ve set up the inventory system to work with prefabs for the Inventory block, each section of the inventory, and each inventory slot.

We plan for the inventory itself to be set up in a similar way to in Resident Evil:

Basically, you have a number of items that you need to fit into certain configurations. Things like building blocks and construction/electrical tools (e.g. redstone in Minecraft) can be stored infinitely, with no loss of inventory after death (this means you can store an unlimited number of bricks, for example). However, things like the aliens/monsters, food, potions and weapons need to be carefully arranged around a multitool similar to the layout in No Man’s Sky:

Different tech can be installed in the multitool but the arrangement of the inventory will be similar to in Resident Evil.

Check out this link to see the proposed inventory sketches (including the “hotbar”):

The code for the camera script ^^

Browse all the code at the repo

Any other questions message me or email us

  • Note - construction blocks/items are liquified and compressed to save space

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